Thursday, May 21, 2020

Memorial Day Children's Message

Although Memorial Day is not a liturgical holiday, it is natural to mention it on the Sunday of that weekend. Here is an idea I used for a Memorial Day related children's sermon. 

Building a Memorial (Joshua 4)

This message is based on the passage from Joshua where, upon crossing the Jordan into the Promised land, God instructs Joshua to have twelve men build a memorial. 

Good morning everyone! I’m so glad  to see you today! 

Tomorrow is a special day on the calendar. Do you know what it is?  It is Memorial Day – a day that is set aside for us to remember men and women in the military who have died fighting for and protecting our country. The word “memorial” comes from the word “memory” because a memorial is something that helps us remember. On Memorial day and every day, this (Hold up an American  flag) is something that helps us remember the soldiers who have fought for our country.

There is also a story in the bible about a memorial. It is in the book of Joshua chapter 4. Remember that God’s people has been trapped in Egypt for 40 years and, when this story takes place, God had finally led them out of Egypt. (Read story from the children's bible.) So, 12 men each picked up a big stone and they used those twelve stoned to build a memorial to help them remember how God had helped them.

As we celebrate Memorial Day this weekend, I want to do to two things.

First, see if you can build a memorial like the Israelites did. You can use twelve stones, or twelve blocks, or maybe twelve empty boxes. See how many different shapes you can build with them and think about a time when God has helped you and your family.
Then, especially tomorrow, which is actually Memorial Day, you can print a color an American Flag to hang on your door or you refrigerator. If you have an American flag, you can make sure it on display. As you color your flag or look at an American flag, say a prayer to thank God for all the brave men and women who have given their lives to keep our country safe and free. If you know someone who is currently serving in the military, it’s also a great time to send them a thank you note.

Let’s pray:
Loving God, we thank you for our country and for the freedoms we enjoy but often take for granted. On this Memorial Day weekend, help us to remember all who have sacrificed to protect our freedoms and keep us safe. Help us also to remember You, God, and to be grateful for all the gifts and blessings you provide. In the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen. 

**This was written while the church was closed during the Cornavirus pandemic, so children were not actually present. If children are present, I suggest handing out 12 block or rocks and letting children construct a memorial. If you have time and a large number of children, you could let them do this in groups. You could also give them an American Flag coloring page.